Episode 265: From Stagnant to Vibrant – How I Rebuilt My Translation Business – Interview with Marguerite Delacroix-Storm
Episode 266: Marketing Mastery Course Alumni Interviews
01/25/2021Covid-19 threw a curveball to many freelance translation businesses in 2020. It is easy to get off track. I know I did not feel very motivated to market my business all the time. If you are an experienced translator but think that your income has plateaued or that you are unable to grow your business, then read on.
Three Common Reasons It Is Hard to Grow Your Translation Business
There are usually three common reasons why many freelance translators have a hard time growing their translation businesses.
1. They’re afraid of raising their rates
I have also been there, afraid to lose customers if I increased my rates. But with a consistent system for raising rates, at the right moments, and to the right clients, it is possible. I’ve continuously raised my rates during my 17 years of being a freelance translator.
2. They’re afraid of letting clients go
Some clients end up not being worth your time after a while, especially if you’re raising your rates continually. If a client costs you more in time and headache than it’s worth, it’s time to let them go. This leaves you time to find new and better clients too. But it would help if you had a mindset shift to do this.
3. They’re not marketing consistently
To find new and better clients, you need to market consistently. To do this, you need to know who to market to, when, and how. You also need a plan and a schedule, so you know what to do each day to move your business forward.
How Can We Change This and Create A Successful Freelance Business?
Despite Covid-19 and machine translation tools becoming more and more competitive, many freelance translators are still able to grow their businesses.
This can all be achieved with a system where you define your ideal clients, chisel out your unique selling point, develop a better client and marketing mindset, set up some clear goals with a plan on how to achieve them.
You also need some tools for achieving your goals: some excellent marketing materials, an optimized platform to attract clients, and some tactics to reach out to your ideal clients consistently. Having some negotiation and sales techniques in your back pockets will also help.
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned and created a course to help other freelance translators do just that. I have guided over 200 students through this system.
The 2021 session will also have two guest teachers. They have graciously offered to teach about their expertise, direct mail campaigns to potential clients, and productivity.
The next session starts on February 8th, and I want to invite you to check it out here, read previous students testimonials, and perhaps put it in your continuing education calendar: https://www.marketingtipsfortranslators.com/marketing-mastery-course
How Can the Marketing Mastery Course Help You?
One problem many freelance linguists have today is not having a marketing system and plan. Keeping up with a detailed game-plan for your operation is key to growing your business. Learn how to stay focused and organized when it comes to the jobs and clients you care about.
Marketing Mastery for Experienced Translators helps you find the best strategies and actions for your freelance business and create the steps you need to take to get there. Discover the tips and secrets to marketing success with a process that works for you and with you to make your clientele grow.
Every individual who answered this question concluded that Marketing Mastery significantly helped their business grow by creating their roadmap and marketing experience that is vital to get out of a slump and start growing their businesses.
Previous students agree that they got what they wanted out of the course. I am dedicated to creating skillful and well-researched content for you to ensure that your freelance business is working better than ever before.
I just received an email from one of the students from the 2020 class and I wanted to end with her words, instead of me talking about the results you can get.
“I have a well-established translation business. Like many other translators, I always avoided marketing because I did not deem it too necessary, and, honestly, I did not know where to start. But, as the years passed, my income remained virtually unchanged. After ten years in business, I finally came to realize that there was a problem there. I realized that I am not “just a translator” and that investing in marketing is essential if I want to move my business forward. Therefore, in 2020, I decided to enroll in Tess Whitty’s Marketing mastery for Translators.
I found it to be well structured and comprehensive. Tess delivered what she promised and went beyond that. The course is thorough and covers every aspect of what a translator needs to know. Tess proceeds in small steps, and even a “dummy” like me could follow and understand basic marketing concepts, such as what a USP is, how to write one, how to define your business goals, what clients to target, etc.
Also, Tess gives especially useful, tangible tips on how to improve your marketing materials, offering practical examples, and urging you to take action. To me, the part about changing your mindset was instrumental.
Module after module, theory and practice combine and your marketing plan comes to life. Time to implement it now!
To summarize, I cannot recommend Tess’s course enough! It is worth every penny – you won’t be let down! – Daniela Gatto
Now over to you. If you feel you ready to take your freelance translation business to the next level and that Marketing Mastery for Experienced Translators can help you, click the image below to learn more about Marketing Mastery for Experienced Translators enroll.
Please feel free to reach out to me by email if you have any questions.