Episode 236: Answering Questions About Investments and Earning Money for Beginning Translators
Extra Episode: Mindset and Strategies for your Business During the Pandemic
03/23/2020This is the last in this year’s series of ask-me-anything questions and answer session and in this episode I talk about how to find good translation agencies to work for, how to make sure you’re getting paid and other tips for working with translation companies or agencies.
Important things mentioned in this episode:
- What to look for in translation agencies/companies
- Where to find “good” translation agencies
- How to deal with project management tools
- How to make sure we’re getting paid
- How to follow up with translation agencies and get on the “roster”
Useful links mentioned in this episode:
- Paymentpractices.net
- Working for Translation Agencies – And Loving It?
- How to Contact Agencies by Email
- Episode 58: What Agencies Really Want from Translators – Interview with David Smith
To summarize, there are both “bad” and “good” agencies out there. Agencies are listen in translation association directories, online translation portals, payment practices lists etc. You can also find good agencies by asking around among your colleagues.
When you find an agency you should first research their payment history and ratings on paymentpractices.com, Proz.com Blueboard and similar services.
Look for agencies with good ratings and feedback that deal with your language combinations and your area of specialization.
Do your homework, don’t buy or use lists and send mass emails, may find “bad” agencies, or risk that your email is never read.
Google the agency. If the agency does not have a website, uses a free email address or does not provide a phone number or does not answer when you call I would be cautious.
I hope you and the other listeners found the answers and tips useful. If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to email me or comment below.
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