Ruling Hectic Lives and Happy Clients with Four Tendencies

Freelance Translator Business: Marketing Tips for Translators and Companies

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How to Make Six Figures as a Freelance Translator
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Episode 210: How to Create a Direct Marketing Campaign – Interview with Sarah Silva
six figure freelance translator salary
How to Make Six Figures as a Freelance Translator
direct marketing campaign
Episode 210: How to Create a Direct Marketing Campaign – Interview with Sarah Silva

Episode 209: Ruling Hectic Lives and Happy Clients with Four Tendencies – Interview with Anne-Sophie DeClercq

Many of us often feel we don’t have enough time to do everything in our business and lives, and wonder how some people seem to manage to do it all. Well, there is a method or theory to make it easier to manage it all and that is what we’re going to talk about today. At the BP conference in Bologna this year, Sophie leClerc gave a popular talk about this and I wanted to share this with you in this episode.

Important things mentioned in this episode:

  • The Four Tendencies Personality test by Gretchen Rubin
  • How we can find out what tendency we relate most to
  • How to use the four tendencies to foster greater client relationships
  • How to use the four tendencies to get a better grip on our hectic lives
  • Marketing by joyful authenticity

Useful links mentioned in this episode:

When we understand ourselves and how our Tendency shapes our perspective on the world, we can adapt our circumstances to suit our own nature—and when we understand how other people’s Tendencies shape their perspectives, we can engage with them more effectively. One of the big daily challenges of life is: “How do I get people—including myself— to do what I want?” The Four Tendencies make this task much, much easier. Let us know what you think of the Four Tendencies and what tendency you relate most to.


Passionate about linguistics, arts, and life management, former researcher, teacher, and business developer, Anne-Sophie had an epiphany the day she discovered being a linguist could allow her to combine her multiple activities and interests. She’s now an English and Spanish into French translator as well as a French editor and copywriter. She specialises in literary and marketing content to help creatives and entrepreneurs hatch the words they need to spread their wings. To make the most of her days, she also gives workshops about time management and work-life balance for freelancers. In her spare time, she’s all about eating, reading, and practising yoga.

Sponsor: is a web-based tool for managing projects, clients, and finances. Developed by translators, it is especially well suited for supporting the day-to-day activity of freelance translators. Which explains why it has quickly become the go-to online resource for the industry.

You can test drive for free for 30 days to explore the special features, and see if it can support your freelance translation work in a way that allows you to stay competitive and grow your business. And when you find it as useful as I do, you can also take advantage of a 15% discount by using the code TESS2019 when you sign up in 2019. I hope you like it as much as I do.

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  1. Małgorzata Kopyra says:

    Hi Tess,

    This episode was extremely interesting and surely helped me better understand myself and some of my co-workers. Thank you very much for sharing it :).

    Kind regards,

  2. I’m definitely a Questionner! Very insightful podcast. Thank you!!

  3. Sarah Hudson says:

    I love Anne-Sophie’s ‘joyful authenticity’ mantra. I have put it on a post-it note next to my desk. Thank you for a very interesting podcast.

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